Maintenance Program

Did you know?

We offer 2 types of maintenance.

Both 6 monthly our ORGANIC TREATMENT is ideal if you have areas of moss, algae and lichen that needs removing or kept at bay, then we have our WEED KILLING TREATMENT which again, will help prevent or kill any weeds on your property.

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Organic Treatment

After a driveway or patio clean we use a treatment to help prevent moss, algae and lichen from returning, however, that won’t last forever and this is where our maintenance program comes in.

6 monthly we will apply our chemical treatment to the areas to keep your property looking clean and fresh.

Regular treatments will mean less need for a power wash saving you in the long term.

Weedkiller Treatment

Everyone understands the need for weed treatment, they can sprout anywhere and if simply pulled they will just come back with a vengance in a matter of weeks.  The best thing to combat them is a regular weedkilling treatment.

Our industrial strength weedkiller will get to work instantly.

Why choose Drivezruz exterior cleaning services?

Our staff are qualified city and guilds technicians for soft washing. We hold the relevant insurance, training, qualification, and knowledge of health and safety, chemicals, and application of chemicals.

Maintenance Program Form

Maintenance Work Form

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